Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yom Kippur

Hi Everyone! It's Rebecca again. Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. It is when you acknowlege all of your sins from the past year and "dump" them into a lake. You symbolize them by putting breadcrubs in your pockets and throwing them into the lake. I am going to do that tomorrow with my family and also go to my grandparent's house. I am going to wear the new dress made for me! It is very pretty, 'specially with my hat and boots. I will attach some photos ASAP, but the camera's batteries are all burnt out. : (

I wish eveyone a happy, healthy New Year! Rosh Hashana went extremely well. Everyone loved the caramel, including me!

Just to tell you- pictures will be posted really soon! So be on the lookout!

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